Phoenix Contact solutions are used wherever processes need to run automatically. This can be in industrial production facilities, in the field of renewable energy, in infrastructure, or for complex device connections. Our products are used wherever power or data flows are connected, distributed, and controlled. Your benefits go beyond the pure function: Our products help our partners to develop sustainable applications with more efficient processes and reduced costs.
Backbone Infrastructure
Network Security
Backbone Network
Phoenix Contact has close ties with the machine building industry. We provide you with a comprehensive range of products and services for machine building
Your advantages
Consistent planning and documentation with complete digital data for all products.
Easy handling and reduced variety of parts with systematically designed products.
Scalable manufacturing solutions for customized processes.
Remote Access | Ethernet Infrastructure | Signal Integrity
Wireless I/O
Fiber Conversion
Managed & Unmanaged Ethernet
Wireless Ethernet
Signal Isolation Barriers
Communication & Data Protection
Hazardous & Non Hazardous Signal Protection
We make Ethernet Easy
When we say “We make Ethernet easy”, we are talking about controlling the complexity of high-performance Ethernet networks. Therefore, we have consistently designed our products with the knowledge, the tools, and the skills of the user in mind, the automation specialist.
Your advantages
Complete flexibility: Terminal blocks with different connection technologies can be freely combined.
Bridging and testing option with double function shaft.
Additional test option with integrated test points, eliminating the need for removing conductors or bridges.
I/O Mapping
Device Connectivity
HART over Wireless
HART mux
Consistent System Documentation
In large systems in the process industry, a huge amount of resources are dedicated to keeping system documentation up to date. Maintenance employees or external companies regularly inspect the production plant and document the changes identified through so-called red entries. The transfer of these red entries from paper lists to a P&I flow diagram often harbors the risk of transfer errors. As a result, manufacturer information cannot be assessed in the event of device discontinuation or product changes. Due to the constantly changing field device inventory in the production plant and the partially missing information, an inventory cannot be planned, which significantly complicates any necessary device replacements.
Digital system transparency
80% of systems in the process industry are equipped with digital, HART-compatible field devices. However, only 5% of these use digital signals.
We make it possible for you to retroactively tap HART data and provide the necessary field data in OPC UA format with no adverse effects. With this additional smart field device data, you benefit from digital system transparency – the so-called digital twin. With this transparency, maintenance, upkeep, and availability can be improved significantly.
Digital twin in process automation. Easy comparison between As Planned and As Built
- Current, real data from the plant is available at all times with automatic as-built documentation.
- Tours for manually recording the installed HART field devices are no longer necessary due to the field devices being continuously connected.
- Rapid troubleshooting and the avoidance of downtimes in the event of manufacturer recalls, changes, or discontinuations with optimized inventories.
Your advantages
Fast and universal access to all sensors and data at the field and machine levels.
The ability to develop new business models, such as for sensor manufacturers or system integrators.
Scalable and customizable data collection solutions for greenfield and brownfield applications.
New Products
Photovoltaic Connectors
Modules & Inverters
EMC Filter
Protection against high-frequency interferance
Power Supply for Building Automation
Smart Camera Box
for Video Surveillance
Charging Technology
for E-Mobility
Vertical Markets Served
Electric Vehicle
Charging Infrastructure
Public Lighting
Tunnel Technology
Rail Transit
Conventional Power Generation
Energy Storage Systems
Solar Power
Wind Power
Building Infrastructure
Rudder Systems
Fire Detection Systems